Musings of an Old Man

My name is Bob and this site is a place for my thoughts, mostly for myself. Have you ever wanted to rant about something and didn’t know where? Well this is my place. If you find yourself unlucky enough to come across this site feel free to read my thoughts, rants and musings, note that there are no links for advertising, no attempts to get anyone to click through to Amz or any other site of that nature. If you see any links in my posts they will be to promote something I like, but not to make money.

  • I am so glad I am not raising kids today…

    Parent to Child… Do Not Lie Child… Why not? The President does it all the time… Parent to Child… Don’t break the law Child… Why not? The President did it and got away with it Parent to Child… Anyone can become President if they work hard enough Child… Work? I thought Lying, Cheating and Breaking…

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  • Ok, now what…

    Biden has removed himself from running for President, so we have a Lame Duck President in place. It does remove one of the two oldest men to ever run for President so that has to be a plus… Now how do we get the other Old Man to remove himself?

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  • Novel Idea!

    If you are worried that Biden is too old, or Trump too scary… Here is a novel idea… Whoever you vote for, vote for the opposite parties congressional candidates… Sure that means 4 more years of not getting a lot done BUT it also means 4 years where one or the other may not blow…

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  • Trump or Biden, REALLY?

    Neither the Republicans or the Democrats could come up with a better choice? Biden is too old (Trump is almost), over 1/2 the country despises Trump and over 1/2 the country doesn’t believe that Biden can do the Job. That really inspires confidence in either as our next leader. Biden falls asleep and Trump lies.…

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  • Anyone really believe…

    Does anyone really believe that Putin will stop if he wins in Ukraine? He has pretty much stated his goal is the return of the Soviet Union and if he wins in Ukraine he will be looking for the next conquest. Anyone that believes we should just put the USA first without aiding Ukraine is…

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  • Funniest thing I read this past week…

    We will be voting for a Man awaiting sentencing or a Man who can’t complete a sentence… has it really come to this? (I can’t remember where I read it, probably one of the Late Night Hosts…) Until next time, Bob

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